Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Change Management Model Paper Essay

In order to evaluate organizational change, it is crucial to understand the models of organizational change. Change models can reveal the compelling forces of change, what will happen, and how it will happen. It is sometimes difficult to find a model that best fits the nature of the organization. However, the use of any change model is beneficial because it offers a guideline to follow and predict the presumed results of the change initiative (Mento, Jones, & Dirndorfer, 2002). While there are many change management models, a few of the well-known models are: Lewin’s change management model and Bridge’s transition model. This paper will discuss Lewin’s change management model and Bridge’s transition model. Within each change model, it will address the role of the leader in the change initiative, overcoming resistance to change, and communication process of both models. It would also assess the strengths and weaknesses of each model. Lewin’s Change Management Model According to Kurt Lewin, successful change in any organization should follow three steps: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. Unfreezing involves overcoming the pressures of individual resistance and group conformity. Changing or movement happens when the change is initiated and the organization is getting ready to move into a transition stage. Refreezing occurs after change has been accepted and the organization can operate under the new changes (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Lewin’s model identified that most people prefer to function within their comfort zones. Most people like the comfort, sense of identity, and control from the environment that they are familiar with. In this model, the leader’s role is to remove the resistance of change through motivation. One  way to deal with the resistance is to use positive incentives to encourage employees to accept the change. For example, management can increase the pay for those who accept the change. Management can also address the concerns regarding the need for change (Robbins & Judge, 2009). It is important to communicate directly with the employees who are most affected by the change. Leaders move through the change process by promoting effective communications and empowering people to embrace the change. Employees who are not involved with planning the change could lead to increased resistance and decreased motivation. Zigarmi & Witt (2007) states that change are successfully implemented when people have an opportunity to express their concerns and influence how the change is implemented (p. 17). Lewin’s change model is a simple and easy to understand framework for managing change in an organization. Most companies prefer to use this model to enact major changes. However, it takes considerable time to put into practice. This model can be compared to overcoming bad habits by changing them with new or better habits. The organization has to be determined and dedicated to make the change and do what is necessary despite obstacles involved in the process (Brisson-Banks, 2010). Bridge’s Three-Phase Transition Model For many logical reasons, people are often uncomfortable with change. This could lead them to resist and oppose change initiatives that may come their way. It is important to understand how people feel as change happens so that leaders can guide them through the process. Bridge’s transition model can help organizations understand how people feel during the change process so that they can guide their employees to support and accept the change. The model emphasizes three stages of transition that people go through when they encounter change. These are: ending, neutral zone, and new beginning. In the ending stage, people must let go of the past before they can embrace the new. This is the initial stage of transition that people go through when presented with change. It is often marked with resistance because people are being forced to let go of something they are comfortable with. As a leader, it is important to accept the employee’s resistance and be able to  understand their emotions. Give them time to accept the change and let go. Leaders should acknowledge the loss and a variety of reactions and be able to give people instructions on how to move on to the next stage (Brisson-Banks, 2009). When communicating with employees, leaders must listen empathetically and communicate honestly about what is going to happen. Leaders should explain to employees that their knowledge and experience would apply once the change i s implemented. It is also important to assure them that resources would be provided so that they can work effectively in the new environment (Mind Tools, 2014). In the neutral zone, people begin to explore their comfort with the new change. Individuals in this stage may feel disoriented with decreasing motivation and increasing anxiety and uncertainty. Employees may have increased workload as they transition into the new system and new ways of working. They might resent the new change initiative; have low morale and productivity; be anxious about their role or status in the company; and be skeptical about the change initiative (Mind Tools, 2014). This stage is a terrific time to inspire people to try new ways of thinking and working. As people go through this neutral period, a leader’s guidance is important in this stage. People may feel lost and it is the leader’s role to provide them with a solid sense of direction. They should encourage employees to talk about their feelings and remind them of the team goals (Mento et al., 2002). In order to overcome resistance to change, leaders can involve people in designing the new change initiative. They can create short-term structures and lead them to innovate. Leaders must explain the neutral zone and validate feelings. They must be optimistic about the change and share information as often as possible. Short term goals are important at this stage so that employees can experience some quick wins to increase their enthusiasm (Mind Tools, 2014). When communicating with employees, allow them to voice their concerns regarding the change. Leaders should remain optimistic and be able to admit when they do not have an answer for people’s concerns. Leaders must meet with their team frequently to provide them with feedback on how they are performing. They must be able to do what they can to boost morale and continue to remind people of how they can contribute to the success of the change (Washington University, n.d.). In the new beginning stage, people begin to embrace the new change (Washington University, n.d.). Employees  develop the skills they need to function effectively in the new way and is beginning to see quick wins from their efforts. At this stage, people are likely to experience openness to learning, positive attitude, increased productivity, high energy, and renewed commitment to the group or their new role (Mind Tools, 2014). As employees embrace the new change, it is necessary for leaders to help them maintain it. Leaders can picture the future and plan the next steps. While they plan the long-term objectives of the organization, they must take the time to celebrate the change they’ve all been through and reward their team for all their hard work. Leaders must communicate a picture of how the new organization will look and feel. Communicate a step by step understanding of how the organization will change and remember to avoid complacency so that people would not revert back to previous stages (Mind Tools, 2014). This model is beneficial in understanding how people feel as they are guided through the change process. It also clarifies the psychological effect of the change. However, it is not a substitute for other change management models such as Lewin’s change management model. Bridge’s model must be used along with other change management models (Brisson-Banks, 2009). Conclusion Change management is a challenging process to carry out and manage for any organization. With so many change management models, it is not always easy to find one that fits the organization’s nature. However, the use of change models is fundamental in the successful implementation of the change processes in organizations. This paper examined Lewin’s change management model and Bridge’s three phase transition model. It discussed the leader’s role in each model, how to overcome resistance, and their communication process. It also assessed the advantages and disadvantages of using each model. Lewin and Bridge’s models have significant commonalities between them. These models can be used as a guide to assist organizations through the world of constant changes. There is no definite model that exists for each organization, but each model has helpful ways of managing change that can be customized according the organization (Brisson-Banks, 2009). References Brisson-Banks, C. V. (2010). Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities. Library Management, 31, 241-252. doi:10.1108/01435121011046317 Mind Tools. (n.d.). Bridges’ transition model – Change management tools from Retrieved from Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2009). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Washington University. (n.d.). Three phases of transition – William Bridges. Retrieved from Zigarmi, P., & Witt, D. (2007). Leading Change. Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lord of the Flies: Symbols And Conflicts Essay

In Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, deals a lot with characterization. Each character symbolizes certain personality traits. Ralph, Jack and Simon and their symbolic importance are characters with the most symbolism for their characters. Ralph, the impression of being a tall boy with fair hair, was chosen as the chief by the other boys, which shows the natural civilized instinct within humans. He possesses the leadership qualities of man, but does not have the initiative that is needed when being a leader. For example, when Jack says â€Å"You shut up,† Ralph does nothing to stop Jack from insulting Piggy or from hitting him. Ralph does not have the initiative to protect his friend or punish Jack for his misbehaviour. Ralph was deeply troubled by the murder of Simon, which symbolized the humanity left in them. When Jack and his hunters were supposed to be watching the fire, they instead went off to hunt. They did successfully kill a pig, however this sparked conflict between Jack and Ralph, as there was a ship and Jack may have destroyed their rescue. This kill not only symbolized the start of their savagery, but it also caused the first conflict. The next hunt was not just the kill of a pig, but a mother pig. This is much worse, as when you kill the mother pig you also kill the piglets. Those piglets have no one to rely on and will die shortly. Unfortunately the savagery did not stop there. Although it could be argued that it was an accident, Simon was murdered by the hunters. The real symbolism of savagery in this situation is the complete lack of remorse felt by Jack and his group. Simon is one of the younger boys and he stands out from the rest. Simon seems calmer than the other boys and doesn’t jump to conclusions. He represents the â€Å"Christ figure† in Lord of the Flies. Simon represents the recognition of good and evil. Simon is the one who finds out that the beast does not exist, and is the one who finds out that evil lives among all the boys. Once Simon died, all evidence of good left with him. The only thing left on the island is the boys’ evil instincts. It is quite amazing how Golding added many different symbols to describe the story that may not be noticed. Golding achieves his goal of expressing the story in an in-depth manner with the use of symbols.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Living with Strangers Essay

To top the essence of discomfort off, Hustvedt states that â€Å"On the subway, I found myself in intimate contact with people I didn’t know, my body pressed so tightly against hem, I could smell their hair oils, perfumes and sweat. † (p. 1, l. 4-16) This closeness is something that most of us, Hustvedt as well, saves exclusively to boyfriends and close family – This exclusiveness only survives because of the ‘Pretend it isn’t happening’-rule. Throughout the essay Hustvedt takes us down her memory-lane of New York, where she tell us the things that can describe exactly why her view on urban living is how it is. The ‘Pretend it isn’t happening’-rule seems to be the most visible theme in the essay. To an outsider taking a stance against something that is clearly wrong seems logical, if not almost necessary. Whereas Hustvedt says that in New York that is uncommon and almost illogical behavior, because of the possible outcomes when someone is asked to stop whatever they felt they had the right to do. This is allowed because of the aforementioned rule. To explain her point further Siri Hustvedt exemplifies it for us. Hustvedts’ husband had witnessed a man stepping on the subway with a lit cigarette, another man confronted him politely by stating that it’s illegal to smoke on he subway, the smoker had then replied â€Å"Do you wanna die? To much luck the smoker had to get off the subway at the next stop, which resulted in a quick ending to the affairs, but Hustvedt points out that this couldVe ended much, much worse. Siri Hustvedt almost attempts to Justify the ‘pretend it isn’t happening’-rule, by showing the dangers ot not pretending. Hustvedt points out that New Yorkers barely even notice that they’re doing it, it’s such a custom reaction to these situations that in the urban cities you’re raised with them – Just as you’re raised with table manners. To exemplify this Siri Hustvedt mentions her daughter, Sophie, who has adapted to the behavioral pattern already as â€Å"she feigns deafness when the inevitable stray character comes along and tries a pickup. † (p. 2, l. 80-81) and that her daughter has been â€Å"refining the frozen, blank expression that accompanies the Pretend law. † (p. 2, 1. 76-77) In the same example Hustvedt explains that her daughter often gets hit on and some of these admirers are more stray than others. One day Sophie had experienced a man who had been shamelessly staring at her, but when he stepped ff the train and the daughter didn’t, the man had thrown himself against the window and yelled â€Å"l love you† at her. Sophie had felt embarrassed and frightened, but the man next to her had commented â€Å"It looks like you have an admirer†. To this Siri Hustvedt explains that â€Å"His understatement not only defined the comedy inherent in the scene; it lifted my daughter out of the solitary misery that comes from being the object of unwanted attention among strangers. † (p. 3, l. 92-94). This example turns the essay towards a new point-of-view, whereas the reader started out ith having a sense of displeasure and discomfort towards urban living, Hustvedt turns the entire essay around in the end where she enlightens us that urban living is not all that bad: â€Å"Nevertheless, compliments, insults, banter, smiles, and genuine conversations among strangers are part of the city’s noise, its stimulus, its charm. † (p. 3, l. 102-104) in this quote, Hustvedt points out to us that isn’t not only incredibly dull, if urban life only revolved around â€Å"pretending it’s not happening†, but that is it almost down-right impossible. She also states that because of this rule, those who break it make a turning point to everyday life and it’s those people who make urban living all the more charming. Siri Hustvedt mentions that â€Å"Sometimes a brief exchange with an unknown person marks you forever, not because it is profound but because it is uncommonly vivid. † (p. 3, l. 112-113) and to end the essay she mentions a moment 20 years earlier in her life, where a homeless man had called her beautiful and asked her to dinner, and when she politely said ‘no’, he then had grinned and aid â€Å"Lunch? This example not only supports her statement that it has indeed marked her forever, but it almost seems like what then wouldVe seemed rather creepy – now is a little comical and it probably even lifts her spirit when thinking about it. l, for one, believe that the statement is as true as anything can be. It’s not always the deep conversations you have with your family and closest f riends that mark you, it’s the sudden situations; because they’re not forced and that makes them all the more real and therefore deep. I may not live in a true urban city like Copenhagen or New York, but the ‘pretend’-rule is everywhere – and because of that all of the times that it’s broken may seem a little odd or even scary at first can make the rest of one’s day all the more interesting. A sudden compliment, a smile to a stranger or even a short conversation with someone about why the train is delayed – yet again. It gives one time to reflect over the minor things in life and sometimes it may even remind you Just how little you actually are – in a good way, of course.

United States History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

United States History - Essay Example Furthermore, the events of those horrific years marred not only the countries overseas, but our own country as well. Even though the United States played a more passive role during the Holocaust years, we were still involved in the era as much as Germany had been. World War II had already been underway when the Holocaust reared its ugly head, having started in 1939, approximately when the more rash events of the Holocaust began taking place. In 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, forcing the United States into the war. Only four days later did Hitler declare war on the United States (Bluhm, 2008), making not only the war the business of the United States, but the Holocaust as well. Prior to our involvement in World War II, the United States had merely watched the world burn, bidding its time until its military troops were called to the front lines. It was because of our reluctance to be a part of the war that many people believed that we did nothing to stand in the war of the Holocaust, or the progression of the war itself. However, with the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor and the war raging across the globe, it is almost no wonder that the United States wanted very little to do with the events, though this was no reason for them to stand aside and watch everything else fall. Also, after the first World War, America had adopted a policy of Isolationism, which would prevent them from involving themselves in the conflicts of other countries (Wexler, 2007).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international Essay - 1

Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you - Essay Example My mother and father figures have played quintessential roles within our lives and most significantly within my life’s folds. I value them for their coveted place and nothing at all can come close to matching them in entirety. Ever since I have graduated from school in 2001, my parents want me to go for the PhD degree program which would eventually complete me as a qualified and educated person. As we hail from Saudi Arabia, I understand why my parents want me to be educated because my mother brought me to America for completion of my education. Such is the kind of emphasis that our family pays towards education in essence. Both my parents were studying within America and this is one of the reasons why both my parents would require me to be a part of the Chapman University, which is indeed an esteemed place to acquire education. I hope that I can live up to the dreams of my parents and attain the PhD degree at the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Shop lifting in the store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Shop lifting in the store - Essay Example It may be again emphasized that problem formulation is not possible unless there is good communication between the decision makers and the research team. At this point to the decision makers, whether research results could help in solving the problem. It would also help the researcher in understanding the nature of the decision that a manager plans to make and the type of research information which would contribute to improving his judgment. The research team also tries to understand environment influencing the problems of the research sponsoring agency. The research team can play a better role if they are able to feel and observe the environment, where decision maker would eventually apply the information and the findings of the study.Formulation of the research plan is possible only when the purpose of the research is clear. In research studies, unless the purpose of the study or project has been clearly explained by the sponsoring agency.The given research was short on a lot of gr ounds. It did not have a proper problem statement. The problem statement failed to present the problem effectively. The objectives statement was loosely put forth. This research paper throws light on the importance of putting objectives effectively and completely. The research also did not follow data collection stage appropriately and immaculately. There was no data compilation and data presented was loosely put forward. The raw data was given. The questions in the questionnaire couldn’t relate to the objective of the research too.... Social scientists from different fields have defined have defined research design from their point of view.. Methodology is given greater importance in the overall planning of the research work and has defined research design as the creative part of the research methodology. Prior to explaining research methodology and the research process, some activities of the research process would be elaborated over.Research process includes a number of stages. The process initiates from the need to conduct research in an area of interest for both the sponsors and the researchers to obtaining information for solving a managerial or a social problem or for making decisions to accomplish set goals or objectives. The step of problem formulation requires deep understanding of the researcher as well as the sponsor, manager or user of the research comprehending the problem. A study of the related information is essential as also the observation or analysis of the situation causing problem prior to ini tiating the research. The urge and curiosity to know stimulates the researcher to convert the managerial problem into a research problem leading further into the subsequent activities incorporated in the research design. After the formulation of the problem, the process of the research methodology for data generation and its measurement techniques are initiated. Any step of the research sequence has to be re adjusted to suit the requirements of the research study. Research process takes over from the process from the stage of problem formulation. There are yet others who would explain research process from the step of initiation of the research activity till completion of the research in the form of its findings

Friday, July 26, 2019

Termpaper on Designer Gianni Versace and Donatella Versace Research Paper

Termpaper on Designer Gianni Versace and Donatella Versace - Research Paper Example Over the Versace fashion world, the designs have reached more than 300 boutiques and 2,000 stores. The Versace fashion name has brought in $2 billion in sales in retail in the US, or around $557 million estimated in 1996. The company was on the verge of expansion when the respected 50-year-old designer, Gianni Versace, was shot in front of his Miami home. The family business was threatened to be pulled apart when his brother Santo and his sister Donatella stepped in to save it. The essay goes into more detail about Gianni’s experience and how Donatella became the chief designer and carried on the Versace legacy. Gianni was born in 1946 in Reggio Calabria, Italy to a small tailor-shop owner. He learned most of what he knew about fashion from his mother and working in her shop. He did not have a formal education in fashion design. He did, however, attend school for architecture in Calabria from 1964 to 1967. He spent much of his time as a child in his mother’s shop where he gained most of his experience. At times he was asked to assist in the selection of beads, crystals, stones and braids to trim some of his mothers designs. Through this experience as a young child he learned about fabrics, decorations, how to create a design, and fittings. He gained much of his knowledge about the actual creation of a garment by watching her. He later worked in his mothers shop as a designer and buyer for five years. After a few years working in the shop, he began to experiment with designs of his own. He started with nontradition combinations of color and fabric. He would sometimes encompass silk, f ur and cotton in one garment, which was totally different from traditional designs. He later moved to Milan to pursue a fashion career of his own. He became well know under three of the design houses of Callaghan, Complice and Genny. Since he was well known

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Liquidation Assessment through Strategic Financial Statement Analysis Essay

Liquidation Assessment through Strategic Financial Statement Analysis - Essay Example The present research has identified that the year 2009 witnessed liquidation of 19,077 companies as per the figures of the insolvency service representing an increase of 23% from the year 2008. and out of 19,077, 6,335 companies have been declared insolvent. According to Adam, the figures are 13,434 as voluntary liquidations and 5,643 are compulsory liquidations totaling 19,077 as per the above report. Again in the UK, Red Flag Alert says that more than 140,000 were showing signs of financial distress in q4 2009. The figure is 6 % higher than Q3 2009 but 14 % lesser than the identical period in 2008. The corporate failures seem to unstoppable despite fiscal support by the Government, VAT reductions by 2.5% and the HRMC’s payment support for  £ 4.2 bn covering 242,000 ‘time-to-pay arrangements’. The U.S.based Circuit City, second largest retailer of electronics next to Best Buy went into liquidation of its last retained store after series of one liquidation after another in early 2009 rendering their final tally of 30,000 of employees jobless. One commentator has said that it was a well deserved as a poorly managed company. Needless to say, a recession has been responsible for this state of affairs. Recessions are considered a process of the plumbing of economics that removes the inefficient entities and paves way for reallocation of capital and labor to the most deserving entities. The faster the reallocation, the safer the investments. The three ways in which insolvency is dealt with are the liquidation, rescue, and workout. Liquidation is the process administered by the court for sale of the assets of the insolvent firm in piecemeal. A rescue is again a court intervention for rehabilitation, reorganization or restructuring of the insolvent firm with the objective of preventing its liquidation. A workout is an informal process where a court has no role and the creditors either reschedule their debts or allow settlement of debts at a disco unt.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Religious Differences in the Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Religious Differences in the Society - Essay Example We believe in the holy sacrament and repentance through the Holy Fathers who have been anointed among the followers to devote their lives for God’s service on earth. The Fathers are not allowed to marry or live with their families. Catholic sisters also do not marry. Some are professionals who serve the society throughout their life time. Being Catholics makes us a unique group in the society where majority are Protestants. They do not believe in the Holy mother of Jesus and in some instances we are traumatized when some of them casually claim that we worship idols. This is especially based on the rosary that we use when praying. We understand quite well that we pray the same God with the Protestants but many are not convinced of the similarity. Apart from the general Protestant group, there is still further divergence between us and those among them who are Seventh Day Adventists. We are looked down as people with shortfalls as regards worship of God. They believe in salvatio n on earth while we believe in salvation at the end of life. They also question the credibility of celibacy among Catholic fathers and sisters, with many regarding it as disguise of evil actions.

Legal and Political Aspects in Public Education Essay

Legal and Political Aspects in Public Education - Essay Example CAPE 18 requires that the principal implements strictly the federal, state, and local laws within the learning environment. In this accord, the principal must ensure that the members of staff strictly adhere to the curriculum set by the law. While laws are crucial in ensuring that the teachers have a framework within which to operate, there is evidence that strictness within the learning environment hinders educators’ creativity, which is crucial for modern learning environment. In this light, while laws within the learning environment are crucial to induce ethical behavior and maintain learning standards, they hinder staff creativity. As more laws become part of the learning environment, it becomes crucial to understand their impacts on public education. Over the years, the government has revised its laws that govern public education. The California Administrator performance Expectations is one of the laws that provide guidelines on how the public education staff should conduct themselves within the learning. In CAPE 18, Implementing California Schools Laws, Guidelines and Other Relevant Federal, State and Local Requirements and Regulations, provides guidelines for school heads. This article requires that principals ensure that the staff members remain within the curriculum framework while delivering services in public education. Secondly, it requires that principals maintain high ethical standards while recruiting and dismissing staff. Besides, the principal must ensure that school practices and procedures meet legal maintenance, health, and safety requirements within the learning environment. The implication of this section was that the principals ensure strict implementation of federal, local, and state laws that pertain to education. The law ensures that all staff members work within the legal framework (Catano & Stronge, 2006). Therefore, the law does not admit any diversion from the law, as this would be misconduct

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is the connection between drugs and crime And how can the Essay

What is the connection between drugs and crime And how can the government stop the youth crime in London - Essay Example The paper also dwelt on the issue of legalizing some of these drugs. On a final note, this paper has presented conclusions and recommendations to promote a drug free and a crime-free society. Drugs are a threat to today’s society. Because of this fact, there are numerous studies which have attempted to establish a causative relationship between drugs and crime. Indeed, there is a steady relationship between drug abuse and the growing crime rate. This is evident as we often hear about sporadic violence occurring in those neighbourhoods of our cities which have acquired a reputation for the being drug joints of the city. There is a relationship between youths getting attracted to drugs and eventually towards crime (Bullock and Tilley 2002). Researchers have always tried to find out the answer to various questions relating to this menace. However, much of their theories remain unknown to the public. This may be the reason why drug abuse as a causative agent to youth crime has remained one of the prevailing problems of this modern world. Thus this paper aims to discuss the factors why drug abuse leads to the increasing rate of youth crime all over the country. Specifically it attempts to discuss the rate of drug abuse here in UK, the nature of drugs used in substance abuse and how they affect a person’s level of functioning, mental and emotional state; socioeconomic problems which link youth crime and substance abuse together and solutions and recommendations which can help lessen substance abuse and youth crime rates. Broadly, the term â€Å"drug† is used to describe â€Å"any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.† (WHO, 1969). Drugs are used to treat diseases, but there is a subset of drugs being termed as recreational drugs, which are chemical substances that affect

Monday, July 22, 2019

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Essay Example for Free

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Essay Through the years, America has made an overall improvement in eliminating discrimination, inequality and slavery and focusing more on inclusion, equal rights, and equal opportunity. Despite a considerable improvement, there are corporations and individuals that often revert to archaic means of treating employees, creating hostile environments. Consequently, different advocacy groups and laws still remain in effect and continue to evolve to protect the citizens and non-citizens of the USA. Overview of the EEOC’s Function  One particular group that exists to protect the employee is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC â€Å"is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the persons race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. (Overview, para. 1)† The EEOC is committed to holding employers accountable for benefiting from the modern day enslavement of workers from other countries. Their job is to ensure that all workers foreign and those of the U. S. , are protected under the law and have the right to complain of such employment abuses which damage the foundation of our society. Compliance Issue and Lawsuit Background The article I chose involves a US company that trafficked over 200 Thai males to work for Global Horizons, Inc. , a Beverly Hills based farm labor contractor working alongside eight farms between 2003 and 2007. The individuals were falsely informed that they would have access to high paying jobs with temporary visas allowing them to live and work in the US. Once here, the individuals realized this was a lie and quickly experienced harassment, abuse, intimidation, and unequal pay. The employers threatened to deport them if they complained of the mistreatment. In addition, the employees were forced to live in housing infested with rats and insects (Carter, 2011). They were forced to sleep in tight quarters and some didn’t even have a bed. The Thai workers had all of their identification removed from their possession; the employees were left defenseless. Eventually, the Thai Community Development Center of Los Angeles brought victims to the EEOC to file charges of discrimination. The EEOC argued that Global Horizons engaged in a pattern or practice of national origin and race discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, which violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (EEOC, 2011). The EEOC sought back pay, compensatory and punitive damages on behalf of the victims, as well as injunctive relief intended to prevent further abuses at the companies and farms. This would uncover the cruel actions by Global Horizons and the farms for which they were employing these individuals. These farms, such as Del Monte Fresh Produce and Green Acre Farms, suffered reputation scrutiny and possible loss of profit after such discoveries. The EEOC’s Role The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit was to hold the employer accountable for benefiting from modern day enslavement so that companies could be aware of the ramifications of conducting such business. The EEOC first attempted to reach a pre-litigation settlement, and then filed the lawsuit in the U. S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. After no success, the EEOC quickly filed lawsuits in the U. S. District Court for the District of Hawaii and the U. S. District Court of the Eastern District of Washington. Social Impact This type of lawsuit promotes social change by making companies aware of the repercussions expected if such behavior is conducted in the United States towards citizens or non-citizens. Human trafficking is a modern day form of slavery and while it still continues to exist in modern business America, it is imperative that companies are made aware of the consequences they may subjected to should they choose to engage in such tactics. These types of lawsuits also promote healthy laws and advocate groups pushing for tougher laws so that employers cannot get away with such atrocities. It also makes employees aware of similar environments where they can quickly recognize if they find themselves in similar situations and who to go to for help. Businesses will do whatever it takes to make higher profits and quite often, they turn to illegal conduct thinking they may get away without consequence. Article Comparison In reviewing my article, I also compared it to an article from the internet published by CNN. Both articles seemed to have similarities by providing the same details and information as discussed in the EEOC article. After searching through several other articles, most included the same information as that provided by the EEOC. Management Perspective If I were a senior manager of Global Horizons, Inc. I would place tighter requirements upon hiring individual to conduct the contracting work. I would consider placing those individuals in the contracting positions in training classes to make them aware of what to do in the event they are faced with this type of situation. Because of the nature of the business involving labor work, I would enforce tighter regulations, initiate reviews, monitoring and would become more involved to avoid mistreatment of individuals. Managers and supervisors would be required to attend courses that stress inclusion, diversity, and harassment. All other employees would be required to attend the same courses, but these courses would also include information on how to report violations. Conclusion I believe that members of management from Global Horizons chose to keep quiet to reap the benefits of cheap labor. There is no excuse to have such behavior in today’s society after all the issues we have all faced as a country. Some improvement has been achieved but it is evident that there is more to be accomplished. Thanks to groups such as the EEOC, citizens and non-citizens can rest assured that there is protection available in the event of mistreatment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Concept and Debate of Transhumanism

The Concept and Debate of Transhumanism Faiza Hossain Introduction: As human beings, we are obsessed with progressing and improving ourselves. Whether it be physically or mentally, this idea of being better is apparent. [DS1]Transhumanism is an extreme form of improving oneself[DS2].   Whether it be being induced with artificial blood, or inserting a microchip into the brain, transhumanism is about making the ordinary, extraordinary! But, is it ethically right and beneficial to test on humans? Should we be messing around with the natural creation of our bodies? And can transhumanism be a danger to society? These major ethical questions will be answered in this research paper, where the core value of what a transhuman is, will be exposed[DS3]. Is transhumanism really beneficial and ethical for human beings? The definition of Transhumanism is the belief or theory that the human race can advance beyond its present physical and mental limitations, especially by the use of science and technology. We are living in generation, where technology is rapidly evolving and improving. This advancement of technology has benefited people, especially in the transhumanist area. This can be portrayed by the living example of Jesse Sullivan; who is titled as the worlds first Bionic Man1. Sullivan lost his arm in an accident however, The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, gave him the opportunity to replace his arms with robotic prosthetics. The procedure included connecting his nervous system to the robotic arm, allowing him to lift objects by the power of thought. This procedure proves that the marriage of technology and biological components is possible, and really is beneficial to mankind. An arm cant be grown, but technology has given individuals a second chance and an opportunity to have a better quality of life. Another way in which machinery has positively changed a persons life is the story of a stroke patient who trialled the BrainGate2 System. A brain-computer interface used a 4mm-wide chip1, which was implanted in the brain. The significance of this chip was the ability to read signals from neurons which were in charge of motion controlling (e.g., the movement of muscles) and interpret the signals, using a computer, into the physical movement of, such as, a robotic arm and hand. After five years, the chip is still fully working, and the patient is able to carry out daily tasks, which we take granted for, such as raising a cup of coffee to her mouth. This astonishing piece of technology has also given this patient a better quality of life, and furthermore, proves that the study of transhumanism is vital, to help those who need it. Although a robotic arm may be perceived as artificial, and unnatural, technology is allowing people to be happier, even after a traumatic event. The future of transhumanism includes the invention of artificial blood, which improves your stamina. Having a microchip inside your brain, which allows you to communicate telepathically, and being able to become smarter, passively, by storing information into this chip. The possibilities to the way the study of transhumanism can benefit us, is endless. Is human testing, justifiable? When it comes to the study of transhumanism, a controversial question always arises; should scientist be allowed to test on human subjects? This concern is portrayed by numerous people (such as religious followers), and what some people claim, is holding scientists and technology back, from rapidly progressing[DS4].   Research involving human subjects is not intrinsically ethically dubious. Human testing does have ethical concerns, however, these concerns can be met and eased out. There is a huge importance for human testing as it will create a huge improvement in the quality of lives and number of lives saved through such research 3, and this can be seen from earlier examples of patients receiving robotic arms. Human testing is vital for the progression of the future. When conducting experiments on human test subjects, it is essential that the experiment is carried out ethically. This includes asking the participants permission, fully explaining what the procedure will be, making necessary medical check-ups, and making sure he/she will be safe. Furthermore, external judgement is used to measure the safety of the experiment, and in this case, the Research ethics committees (RECs) are widely used to assess and review trial designs.4 The importance of these committees is to overview, and evaluate the practices the researcher will conduct on the participant. The committee include both professional and lay perspectives as to whether the research is ethically acceptable. This portrays that a lot of extensive background checks are carried out, and the safety of the participant is a priority[DS5]. PRECAUTIONARY VS PROACTIVE RESEARCH Scientists, especially those in the transhumanism field, are aware of the cautionary and proactive research. We should not reject the products of applied science; neither should we implement powerful new technologies without foresight and proactive preparation.   ( Being a proactive researcher, is about taking risks, but doing it for the benefit of making progress in technology. Relying on the evidence from past experiments, and written text books, will not help transhumanism evolve into what it can be fully capable of. Making the robotic arms, was a proactive choice made by scientists, and now, people are reeking the benefits from this. Imagine, what more we can unveil, if scientists keep making this proactive choice. An alternative response for research is known as the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle, proposed as a new guideline in environmental decision making6, has four main mechanisms: taking actions to prevent any uncertainties; shifting the burden of proof to the proponents of an activity; finding lots of alternative routes to possibly harmful actions, and getting more public participation in decision making before and during research. The precautionary principle highlights this tight, challenging linkage between science and policy.6 Although precautionary research is much safer for the participant, the problem with the unwillingness to take risks, means progress is made slower in the technology field. This slows down our advancement for a better future and means people who need these revolutionary machinery in their day to day life (such as robotic legs and arms), have to wait longer[DS6]. THE NEGATIVES ABOUT TRANSHUMANISM       The main problem with the idea of transhumanism that many face, is if technology is being exploited for our selfish desires? The idea of wanting to live longer, or be smarter   and stronger, are selfish desires that people want to achieve, and some perceive as unnatural. As all living things are mortal, the study of transhumanism, is fascinating; a topic in transhumanism includes finding ways to cheat death. Being immortal sounds amazing, but is it realistic? If everyone in this world was immortal, then there will be over population7, food shortages, increased global warming and negative climate change. Furthermore, due to overpopulation, there may be a rapid spread of disease, water may run out and fossil fuel will be used up a lot quicker. The world we live in, cannot provide for the immortal. Transhumanist are optimist that through their technological findings, they can help third world countries such as India, by -skipping industrialization and go straight into late capitalist, post- industrial societies (Munkittrick). However, from the extremely high pollution levels seen by third world countries such as India and Brazil, this transition is not at smooth, and if anything, is more damaging to the earth. The concept of skipping industrialization, for these third world countries, seems very unrealistic, and nothing but a utopian view. One last negative attitude towards transhumanism, is that it will create a segregation between societies. It is evident, that when technology that can make you smarter or live longer is achieved, the privileged few will be able to have accesses to these traits, which will create and further distance between people; based on their wealth. Although transhumanism will allow us to benefit traits which will benefit us in the future, it is also possible that there will be more inequality between people and also, earth is not equipped to allow living space for immortal living species. MY METHODOLOGY My report is solely based off secondary research. I have been able to carry out secondary research by reading and actively unpicking online journals and articles (based on transhumanism), visit official which profession transhumanist have written papers and pieces based on this topic. Furthermore, the use of critiquing text was used, and looking at real life examples of cyborgs was evident. As my research only consisted of secondary data, this meant that a research budget was not necessary, as I [DS7]was not required to do any primary research. TRANSHUMANISMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦A BETTER FUTURE? In conclusion, clearly the study of transhumanism has benefited people in this century. Technology is rapidly evolving and it is fitting the needs of people, whether that be the likes of a robotic arm. Transhumanism is breaking the boundary of people with disabilities, and in this context, closing the inequality gap that many disabled people feel[DS8]. However, if this research is mistreated, many people will get severely hurt, and it can totally flip, and instead, creates a larger inequality between people[DS9]. The future of transhumanism is looking bright, and with technology progressing this far, cures for diseases can be found much quicker, and ground breaking technology, can be used to help third world countries. It is the optimism of the people and scientist, which is needed, if we are to make the future a better place. I truly believe there is a place for transhumanism and cyborgs in the future, but it is up to us to be open minded for this change. REFERENCES[DS10] JESSE SULLIVAN Lanxon, Nate. Practical Transhumanism: Five Living Cyborgs. WIRED UK. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. Transhumanist Values. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. Gorski, David. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 5. Transhumanisms Extropy Institute Transhumanism For A Better Future. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 6. D Kriebel, M Stoto. The Precautionary Principle In Environmental Science.. Environmental Health Perspectives 109.9 (2001): 871. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 7. The Problems With Transhumanism. Psychology Today. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. [DS1]This is very bold statement. In the future, try to find any research that can support this claim. [DS2]This another example where you should use a reference to support the statement. [DS3]A lot of assumption were made in this paragraph. It will be a good practise in the future to the use a reference to support what you are saying. [DS4]Reference? [DS5]Good demonstration of ethical understanding, but the referencing format used was not Harvard referencing. [DS6]Good points laid out in this section. [DS7]Avoiding writing academic report in first person, always write them in third person. [DS8]The context of this statement is not clear. [DS9]Which research, in what way will it flip, and what source do you have to support this statement? [DS10]The format used is not Harvard referencing.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Inequality Gender Stereotyping In Hong Kong

Inequality Gender Stereotyping In Hong Kong According to the Womens Commission (Woc) Survey on Community Perception of Gender Issues (2009), it finds that gender stereotyping is still prevalent in Hong Kong and gender inequality still persists in society. Moreover, the Chairperson Ms Sophia Kao also said The survey findings reflect that the concept that women are to take care of the family while men are to work outside is still deep rooted in society, leading the majority of the respondents to believe that womens contribution was confined to the family setting and understate their contributions to society in other areas. This affects womens development opportunities in different aspects such as employment and community participation. And under the long-term influence of traditional values, women themselves might also endorse some of these gender stereotypes. Besides, the survey also found that the public generally consider that women should focus more on family than their careers, while taking care of the family is the most im portant among the contributions of women. More women than men consider that women play a more important role in the family than men do. And educating and taking care of children was perceived by most women as the most significant aspect that undermines the development of their potential to the full. Above this survey, the conscious of gender perception about the different aspect had seemed to increase than the before. But I find it very interest point that female seems trend to accept and identify the role which contribute the family work and child care work. These stereotyping limit the development of the female. So the survey reflects interviewed female recognize housework limit their development. I feel that the reason why the female accept these stereotyping is due to the long term socialization and culture construction. These guide and control the female how to do the right expectation in society under invisible. Chinese traditional culture and value how to construct inequality of female Before five thousands year age in China, the period of patriarchy had begun to budded, the status of females were decrease. Moreover, since slavery society prevailed, the females become no autonomy and status. They lost their freedom and controlled by male. They become slave for man property. They also accepted the system of polygyny. When feudal system was formed, more regulation oppressed to the female and advantages to male. Then, Confucian though become social mainstream for discipline people how to do the right things especially control female behavior. Such as female, some discourse is starve to dead is small things but virginity is very important( à ©Ã‚ ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å"à ¦Ã‚ ­Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ °Ã‚ , à ¨Ã‚ ²Ã… ¾Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ §), it emphasize pure virginity is very important. If female can keep pure their virginity, they will be respected and appreciate. Besides, cripple feet (à §Ã‚ ºÃ‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¶Ã‚ ³) was constructed a beautiful model and standard , it control female to go a step further. These regulation and discourse construct inequality but female are willing to follow because of moral standard. Chinese female tasted no end of bitterness in their short, mostly poverty ridden lives. In fact Chinese family life was marked by a shocking degree of brutality. The Confucian emphasis on filial piety and loyalty was a euphemistic prescription for absolute subordination of young to old and, more important for our purposes, female to male. Indeed, the structure of the Chinese family looks very different depending on which genders perspective you choose to view it from. The dominant male perspective conjures and unbroken lineage with power, property, and esteem passing in orderly and gradual fashion from generation to generation. From the female perspective, family life appears dramatically opposite. During her lifetime a Chinese female lived in two distinctly different families respectively her natal and marital homes. Instead of an unbroken lineage, the woman was never in her lifetime fully a member of any family. Her name was not even recorded in her fathers genealogy, and when she died only her family name surname was entered in the genealogy charts of her husbands fa mily. In this system and discourse characterized by filial piety, womans life was described by the three obedience(à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¾Ã… ¾) respectively to her father during childhood, to her husband during marriage and to her son during widowhood. Above these traditional cultures, systems discourse, they construct people how to do the right things related the gender role. These constructions have oppression of the female. Some post-modernism scholars theory explain why people accept discourse and moral standard under invisible According to West and Zimmerman (1987), most people find it hard to believe that gender is constantly created and re-created out of human interaction, out of social life, and are the texture and order of that social life. Yet gender, like culture, is a human production that depends on everyone constantly doing gender. Based on these assumption, we also find more discourses are recognizing man has power of domination, female should believe in her role as the subordinated being in the process of socialization. Then, Horrocks (1997) states ideological and cannot be neutral as it claims. In other words, there is no objective truth since science is still constructed within political parameter. However, we still have not discussed why these discourses work so effectively that most of us do not attempt to challenge them. That would be answered by Michel Foucaults explanation about the reign of power. According to Madan Sarup (1993) quotes from Foucault that power produces reality, it produces domains of objects and rituals of truth, so it is not possible for power to be examined without knowledge, it is impossible for knowledge not to produce power because the exercise of power constructs the new object of knowledge too. Moreover, according to Foucault (à ¦Ã‚ ¥Ã…  Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ §Ãƒ ¦Ã‹Å" ¥1995), power is not as centralized, authoritarian and organized as the sovereign one. However, it regulates the most intimate and minute element through multiple processes from different locations. It formulates the production of docile bodies through discipline which made possible the meticulous control of the operation of body including its movement, gesture and attitude. It also assumes the constant subjection of the force of the body and imposed upon them a relation of docility-utility. In addition, it produces subject and practiced bodies, docile bodies that may operate as one wishes with the techniques, the speed and the efficiency that one determined. The above disciplinary practice of power is epitomized in Foucaults description of an architectural device called the Panopticon by Jeremy Bentham. According Foucault In Discipline and Punish (Foucault, 1977), he makes the following explanation about Panopticon. Each Individual, in his place, is securely confined to a cell from which he is seen from the front by the supervisor; but the side walls prevent him from coming into contact will his companion. He is seen, but he does not see; he is the object of information, never a subject in communication. Thus, as Foucault (Foucault, 1977) remarks in detail, the whole design has the effect to induce innate state of consciousness and prevent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. The power is visible but unverifiable because the inmate will constantly have before his eyes the tall outline of the central tower from which he is spied upon. However, he/she never knows whether he/she is being looked at in any particular mo ment. From this one side effect, he/she must assume that he is always under surveillance. Thus, surveillance is everywhere wherever inside or outside the panopticon thereby homogenous effect is producing for innate to discipline them. Besides, a poststructuralist Judith Butler (Butler, 1990) applies Foucaults emphasis into the field of gender representations. She illustrates from Foucault that the juridical system produces the subject that are represented and constituted through discourses. As we have remarked that discourses are naturalized as a belief through the practice of power which cannot be challenged, it will be concretization as a foundational promise to exclude those who fail to conform within the normative requirements. Then, Butler (Butler, 1990) also argues that gender is a cultural means by which the biologically determined sex is produced and established as pre-discursive, prior to culture, a politically neutral surface on which the culturally constructed gender acts. Butler (Butler, 1990) also says in the later part of her book Gender Trouble that the notion of identity and coherence is not a logical and analytical feature, but rather it is socially instituted norm of intelligibility. Thus, we believe that our identity is a core that sustains through temporal change. Illusion of being and substance cultivated by that the grammatical formulation of subject and predicate reflects the prior ontological reality of substance and attribute. The metaphor of substance leads people to believe that one can be a sex or gender. Furthermore, Butler (Butler, 1990) explains that there is no gender identity that underlies the expressions of gender. The apparent identity is performativity constituted by the very expression that is said to be its result. Thus, Butler (Butler, 1990) said, there is no being behind doing, effecting, becoming; the doer is merely a fiction added to the deed the deed is everything. Hence, the idea of gender is relational and contextual since it is a repeated stylization of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a natural sort of being that the acts, gestures, enactments in gender performance are performativity in the sense that the essence or identity that they otherwise purport to express be fabrications manufactures and sustained. So, it becomes what one puts on his or her body, how one behaves and presents in front of people are only the gestures based upon the regulations under gender division in a particular cultural context with regardless to any ontological truth. From the Foucault theory, we know that the complex differential power relationships extend to every aspect of our social, cultural and political lives. In the analysis of gender identity of Butler, we also see that power also extends to the aspect about the construction of our gender identity. The whole process of power relationship involves the manner of subject-position, and securing our asset not only by the threat of punitive sanctions, but also persuading us to internalize the norms and values that prevail within the social, or in the theories of Butler, the patriarchal order. How to increase gender sensitivity of social work practitioners in Hong Kong Firstly, according to Foucault (1991), he said that Penopticon like as a metaphor for social control. Disciplines success is due to its simplicity, hierarchical observation, normalizing of judgments, and their combination such as prison, penitentiary, rehabilitation center, hospital, social worker, school, etc. It was combining punitive system with normalizing practices. It forces people fulfill the social expectation and make the right things through punishment, surveillance and reinforcement under invisible. So, we need to understand us may be one of the surveillance institutions causing this phenomenon. So, we need to aware of gender sensitivity of social work practitioners. As a gender sensitivity of social work practitioners, the worker need to become aware of and take an objective look at the belief system, reflect the gender biases and judgmental convictions. Moreover, the worker realizes how the culture has influenced the belief system and recognizes that gender and sexual de finition do not have to conform to societal norms. Besides, the worker facilitates self-actualizing behaviors for clients rather than socially prescribed conduct. In the counseling aspect, we need to be aware of the dangers inherent in conforming to social stereotypes and to recognize our own, possibly unhealthy, rigid, gender beliefs and behaviors. If gender biased by cultural definitions of male and female roles, counselors may facilitate social conformity, rather than individual growth and self-expression, with their clients. Moreover, Gender stereotyped intervention negatively impact clients. As a result, the counseling process may turn into oppression imposed on the actual client. Most unfortunately, those who deviate from the cultural norm tend to be denigrated and discriminated against. So the counselors may employ different clinical techniques and make disparate diagnoses and treatment plans based on assumptions about gender. The clients may disclose certain information based on the therapists gender. Counselors who also ascribe to rigid definitions of appropriate gender roles and sexual conduct may tend to help clients conform to cult urally acceptable behaviors and practices rather than helping them to define individually appropriate roles. Besides, the goal of gender-sensitive psychotherapy is helping clients to become aware of and confront limiting gender-role stereotypes and creating a more equalitarian and empathetic society by expanding choices for both sexes. In the advocacy, based on the Womens Commission (Woc) Survey on Community Perception of Gender Issues (2009), the stereotyping of gender is still serious. The social worker still educates public through community work for deconstruct the role of gender and spread both equality of gender. Moreover, the social worker also organizes some groups for man and women. They are educated to become leadership and increase their gender awareness. As a result, they similar the seeds continuous spread to others even though to participate social affairs about the both equality of gender. I believe that through the different aspect to increase people genders awareness, the both equality of gender will achieved in future. Conclusion Several thousand Chinese culture and system is the deeply socialization construct the gender role. It makes the inequality of gender till today. Although many research reflects the equality of man and women had improved. But the gender awareness is not still enough. If we are thoroughgoing to change this inequality, we will make more and more effort in gender affairs.

A Jungian Analysis of How Like a God Essay -- How Like a God Essays

A Jungian Analysis of How Like a God Isaac Asimov was certainly correct when he stated that the writer of a story doesn't necessarily know everything about it. The author, Brenda W. Clough, claims not to have had an acquaintance with Carl Jung's work when writing How Like a God.   However, the architecture of the book is strikingly Jungian.    In the beginning of the novel, the main character, Rob has very little interest in his appearance. Many computer people are like that, and he has his devoted wife Julianne to make all the sartorial decisions for him. He looks like a desk warrior, pale, uninteresting, and out of shape. He wears neutral colors, beige and brown, to symbolize his undifferentiated state. In second part of the novel, under the intolerable agony of losing his family, Rob's cold dark side emerges and quickly takes over. The new regime is inaugurated by unnatural and life-denying behavior: not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, but sinking down into the dark on a park bench. Rob's appearance alters as he takes to wearing rags and a dark blue toggle coat. He loses weight because he forgets to eat. Even his sexuality is warped. When he faces up to what's going on he immediately tries to change by getting a haircut. At the hairdresser he notices music for the first time in the book. He also notices he's blonder . He now has a light, and a dark, side.    In part three of the novel, under Edwin's beneficent influence, Rob cultivates his better inclinations and inadvertently worsens a one-sidedness. He forces the tramp, now stigmatized as a frightening monster, down into the sub-basement of himself -- the trap-door of which, however, has no lock. Edwin is the natural ally of Rob's good, lighter side... ...the power warp him into not-self, of becoming Gilgamesh. He knows the face of his own evil now, and the knowledge is a responsibility.    In this soup of symbols Edwin has two roles. He is of course a hermeneut, guiding Rob towards self-realization. But he is also Virgil, the icon of reason and light and learning to Rob's Dante. (This is the reason why Rob is vaguely repelled by The Divine Comedy in the New York Public Library. At that point he's in full avoidance mode, and even the first line of the poem cuts too close to home. â€Å"Midway in our life's journey I went astray from the straight road, and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood.† Ouch!) Edwin can guide Rob forward to the final confrontation with his dark side, but he can't battle the shadow himself. In fact Edwin finds Rob's unconscious realm intolerable, since reason has no place there.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lewis Carrolls Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Alice Wonder

Lewis Carroll's Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Philosophy – a subject that had driven people insane for as long as humans know their history. All the time people try to find a meaning, and later controvert it. For example, critics view a novel by Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as a quest for maturity story, Carroll’s view on Victorian Society and even existential meaning on life. All of those interpretations come from philosophical â€Å"drive† of the critics. The truth is that anyone can point a finger at the book and come up with their own â€Å"deep† meaning of the story, but if one looks at facts, well known, and obvious things – it is clear that the story is simply a children tale intended for entertainment and nothing more. Of course there is no sure way to prove that Carroll did not intend any deeper meaning into the story, after all, he was a mathematician and a man of great knowledge of children (19th Century Literature Criticism 105), but lets take a look at the most obvious fact – the time, place and audience of the original story of Alice in Wonderland. Here are the words of Lewis Carroll as he recalls that day: Full many a year has slipped away, since that â€Å"golden afternoon† that gave thee birth, but I can call it up almost as clearly as if it were yesterday – the cloudless blue above, the watery mirror below, the boat drifting idly on its way, the tinkle of the drops that fell from the oars, as they waved so sleepily to and fro, and (the one bright gleam of life in all the slumberous scene) the three eager faces, hungry for news of fairyland, and who would not he say ‘nay’ to: from whose lips ‘Tell us a story, please,’ had all the stern immuta bility of Fate! The â€Å"three eager faces† Carro... ...per and deeper for an idea. Works Cited: Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking-Glass Signet Classic New York, NY 1960. Cohen, Morton. Lewis Carroll: A Biography Alfred A. Knopf New York, NY 1996. England in Literature: MacBeth Edition: Teacher’s Supplement Chapter 8, â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† 144-146. Scott Foresman & Co. 1973. Gattegno, Jean. Lewis Carroll: Fragments of a Looking-Glass â€Å"Alice† and â€Å"A Carroll Chronology† 4-27. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1973 New York, NY. Hudson, Derek. Lewis Carroll â€Å"Alice† 124-149. Folcroft Library Editions 1976. Kelly, Richard. Lewis Carroll â€Å"Alice† 78-97. U of Tenn. Twayne Publishers, G. K. Hall & Co. Boston, Mass 1977. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 2 â€Å"Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)† 105-121. Rackin, Donald. Alice’s Journey to the End of Night 132-143 MLA 1966.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Characters in Troilus and Criseyde

Characters Achilles, warrior who kills Troilus and Hector in battle Antenor, a soldier held captive by the Greeks, led to the fall of Troy, traded for Criseyde's safety Calchas, a Trojan prophet who joins the Greeks Criseyde, Calchas' daughter Helen, wife to Menelaus, lover of Paris Pandarus, Criseyde's uncle, advises Troilus in the wooing of Criseyde Priam, King of Troy Cassandra, Daughter of Priam, a prophetess at the temple of Apollo Hector, Prince of Troy, fierce warrior and leader of the Trojan armies Troilus, Youngest son of Priam, and wooer of Criseyde Paris, Prince of Troy, lover of HelenDeiphobus, Prince of Troy, aids Troilus in the wooing of Criseyde Synopsis Criseyde, the daughter of the seer Calchas, lives alone in Troy after her father abandons the Trojans to help the Greeks. Eventually she catches the eye of Troilus, a man who had previously scoffed at love, and becomes the object of his overwhelming desire. With the help of Criseyde’s uncle Pandarus he wins her love but soon loses it when the Greeks and the Trojans conduct an exchange of prisoners. Calchas, who knows of Troy’s imminent destruction, persuades the Greeks to exchange Antenor for his daughter and thus saves her from the doomed city.Criseyde promises Troilus that she’ll return to him after ten days but once she’s back in the care of her father she realizes the impossibility of her promise. Resigned to her fate, Criseyde yields to the flirtations of Diomedes, and her love for Troilus fades. When Deiphobus wins the armor of Diomedes, Troilus discovers a brooch he gave Criseyde upon her departure pinned to it. Heartbroken, he tries to find Diomedes and take his revenge during battle but after slaying many is in his turn killed by Achilles. As his spirit goes to heaven he reflects on the absurdity of all life itself. work cited Wikipedia online encyclopaedia

Economic Impact of Duck Hunting in Arkansas

Its madness, Ive never seen otherwisewise well-informed frugal men throw so much m iodiney at so little opportunity (Unk nowa mean solar eldn) This was the statement do by an unnamed source referencing the malady and addiction of the wonderful caper of water bird Hunting. The economic bear upon of waterfowl lookup in atomic number 18 can outmatch be seen in the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2006 scotch Impact of Waterfowl Hunting fib. This report states that in 2006 thither was 1. 3 gazillion waterfowl hunters nationwide, 100,000 of these waterfowl hunters were residents of argon who worn-out(a) 1. meg days pursuing the waterfowl of their choice. During these days, waterfowl hunters spend money on pursuit trips, search equipment, salaries and wages and state, local and federal taxes. Nationwide, waterfowl hunters spent $900 one thousand thousand during 2006 creating a positive economic disturb for the nations economy. When did either of this begin and why in eastern are? It is said that the graduation to welcome stepped foot in what is now know as modern day atomic number 18 were evade hunters. In an archaeological find near Big Lake in north eastern atomic number 18, studies found more bones from M tout ensembleard ducks than from any other bird present.Nature had set a perfective aspect table non scarcely for the Paleo Indians and for the future duck hunters in argon. Eastern argon borders the disseminated sclerosis River and is home of 8 million of the 24. 2 landed estate of the disseminated multiple sclerosis Alluvial plain. There are no other states in the continental united states that have more delta land than Arkansas. forrader the advent of dams and tree clearing clownish practices the delta was c everyplaceed primarily with hardwood trees, most(prenominal)ly oaks. These Hardwoods provided the secure food source (acorns) for the largest population of passing waterfowl (mainly the mallard duck) in the world.E arly settlers took advantage of the torrential fowl and consequently started some of the actually first duck hunting clubs in the linked States. In 1906 the first cognize crop of rice was grown in Arkansas County. Although it was a small crop, it changed the tantrum of agriculture in the delta and on the solemn Pr send outie region. Three old age later gradation Prairie rice acreage was up to 27,000 commonwealth by 1919 rice covered 143,000 nation of the Grand Prairie in the Mississippi Delta. forthwith Arkansas reapings 41 percent of the nations rice, to the highest degree twice as much as No. California (21 percent). Riceland Rice Corporation, hardened in Stuttgart Arkansas, alone is responsible for well-nigh terce of the U. S. crop. Local conjureers founded the Riceland cooperative in 1921 to get better prices. The average Riceland farm is nearly 750 to 1,000 acres, Reed says. About one-third to one-half is devoted to rice, with the rest expiration to soybeans, o ne of the other crops Riceland processes. The majorities of the Riceland Farms are all leased out to waterfowlers or have guide service ran on them.In the proto(prenominal) days of rice farming, the rice harvest and the migration of wintering waterfowl down the Mississippi migration route coincided. Massive groups of waterfowl could potential droply pass across out an entire rice written report in one night. At the clock time, farmers would leave as much as 5$ a gun per night and all of the shells the individual could shoot while tutelage the ducks away. As quicker maturing rice was substantial people started to realize that ducks were no yearlong a nuisance but had potential to be a great asset and compliment to the rice harvest. A bi- harvest-tide of the rice boom in Arkansas County was a drastic increase in douse Clubs.A put off Club is in camera owned business which charges the duck hunters by the day for guided hunts or requires members to stipend yearly dues f or their membership in the club. Duck clubs had been around the state for several years prior to the rice boom of the too soon 1900s, but these clubs were set primarily on flooded hardwood bottoms or sloughs along the Mississippi delta. When rice farmers realized the potential hard currency flow that hunting clubs could provide during the winter season, many started Duck Clubs on their privately owned farms.One such place was Wallace Claypools Wild Acres reservoir, which came to be known just as Claypools generator. In 1956 NBCs popular television computer programme Wide Wide earth approached the Arkansas Game and Fish boot about filming the first ever nationwide broadcast live duck hunt. During the time the segment was filmed Claypools Reservoir was holding approximately 300,000 mallard ducks. At 314 the NBC director touch a button and 4 million viewers looked on. Shortly after 315 a TNT dilute rocket was fired over the ducks to rebuke them up off the water.With ducks in the air Wallace Claypool began to call ducks in for Lynn Parsons, a 12 year old local with a raw shotgun. Six shots later Claypools lab was retrieving 6 mallard ducks and Arkansas was officially on the map as the Duck Hunting Capital of the World. In 1936, 20 years prior to the aerate of Claypools duck hunt on subject television Thad McCollum of Stuttgart Arkansas held the first yearbook Worlds Duck craft Championship on Main roadway in downtown Stuttgart, Arkansas. It was known hence as the National Duck calling contest.There were 17 entries in the business district Stuttgart event and the winner was promised a new hunting jacket valued at $6. 60. This contest has helped form what is now the go over The Prairie Festival. Wings Over the Prairie is one of the oldest and most visited festivals in Arkansas, and has grown to an annual attending of over 60,000. Besides the World Championship Duck Calling Contest there is in like manner a nationally renowned Gumbo Cook Off, as well as many crafts, split of hunting gear for sale, dances, live bands, mercantile exhibits and collectibles.With such a large attendance containing people from all over the United States, the Festival brings in millions of dollars of revenue to Stuttgarts economy each year. According to Stephen Bell, executive director of the Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce, It is estimated that the economic impact on Stuttgart is $1 million a day during duck season. The town is withal home to more than 70 commercial message Guide Services that cater not only to Duck Hunters but excessively to deer hunters as well as a few that cater to turkey hunting.In addition to the private guide services and the Membership Exclusive Hunting Clubs, Duck hunters are drawn from all over the state as well as the land to hunt the hundreds of thousands of acres of worldly concern hunting area managed specifically for waterfowl. In 1948, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission purchased Bayou Meto Flat which provided 34,000 acres of public reverse lightning timber duck hunting. Bayou Meto is one of the most renowned public hunting places in the United States. common woodland duck hunting is somewhat specific to Arkansas and with 34,000 acres available to the public hunters come from all over the United States to get the iron heel of a true Arkansas Green Timer Hunt. Bayou Meto however is far from organism the only public Green Timber hunting the state has to offer. As a whole the eastern side of Arkansas is loaded with hundreds of thousands of acres of flooded, acorn producing trees that are typically loaded with ducks. Where there are ducks, there are bound to be duck hunters.The state of Arkansas had 100,000 waterfowl hunters, 16 years old or older, in 2006. These 100,000 participants who enjoy hunting waterfowl in Arkansas are responsible for the states be of 2nd in the nation only to Louisana in participation. Waterfowl hunters in Arkansas spent $91 million dollars on waterfowl h unting trips and equipment, which includes but is not limited to food, lodging, transportation, firearms and ammunition, fees, hunting dogs and related expenses. Arkansas waterfowl hunters also spent $9. 6 million in state taxes and $9. 4 million in federal taxes. These hunters also helped support 2,505 jobs that are waterfowl hunting related with $47. 9 million in salaries and wages. All this hunting and spending creates a ripple effect of $124 million dollars. Arkansas attracts 53,000 non-resident hunters every year, from all over the country who spend a combined 662,000 days in the state. The out-of-staters spend $167,811,000 on the sport in Arkansas, meaning each non-resident hunter spends about $3,184 during a typical season.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Working Memory?

Write-UpThe field of retrospection provides excellent opportunity for research, order of payment theoretical models and implementing them to check their validity. Working store, in psychology, is a reposition dust that holds information to coiffe unhomogeneous communicative and non-verbal (even physical) chores. It is very important from the viewpoint of touch on information and enacting it in day-to-day life. Though a simple three st climb on model for storehouse (Encoding, repositing and retrieval) was proposed initi all(prenominal)y, experts like Baddeley proposed that work retrospect is untold beyond these three phases and retention functions of slight-term memory and long-term memory atomic number 18 very mingled in comparison to what sign chunking of memory into theoretical aspects initially suggest (Becker & Morris, 1999). He introduced a novel approach to depict operative memory as a non as three- bring out system that temporarily holds information as people perform cognitive tasks just now a perennial work-desk on which information is manipulated and assembled to help us comprehend decide, and in problem-solving (Baddeley, 1996, 2003).According to Baddeleys view of working memory, we fuck pictorially imagine a managerial executive director (Central executive memory) with 2 helpers (Phonological loop & Visuo-spatial working loop) (Hamilton, Coates & Hefferman, 2010 DeRenzi & Nischell, 1975). This manageableness and its fractionization have neuropsychological deduction, experimental evidence and phylogenyal evidence. A report card states that left stern hemisphere of the brain is actively bear on in working memory. Other studies show that even right posterior is actively involved but in working memory but non- ocular aspects. It might be involved in spatial aspects. Despite the heavy argument, involvement of contrary brain regions in working memory (Phonological and visuo spatial) establishes a base for neuro-psy chological evidence (Vallar & Baddeley, 1984 Hamilton, Coates Hefferman, 2010).Laboratory found experiments show how optical short-term memory task is strongly cut off by visual as opposed to spatial interference, and excessively spatial memory task was simultaneously more strongly disrupted by spatial interference. This double dissociation delays the theoretically proposed fractional process of working memory (Klauer & Zhao, 2004). Developmental evidence suggests that visual sub persona of the visuo-spatial sketchpad is manifest from the spatial subchemical element as seen in children aged 5-6, 8-9 and 11-12 (Logie & Pearson, 1997). Thus, arising from strongly evidenced studies, Logie presents a distinct model of two separate systems (Visual and Spatial) (DeRenzi & Nischell, 1975). The visual storage aspect stores information about form and blazon whereas spatial control takes c ar of aspects pertaining to locomotion, limb movements and besides rehearsal of information (or series of information in visual cache) (Logie & Pearson, 1997).The proposed think explores the topic of fractionalisation of memory in lines with the preceding(prenominal) mentioned strong theoretical and research found evidence. However, the trajectory of interest is along the lines of research through with(p) by Logie and Pearson (1997) in developmental field. This conceive examines the visual and spatial development in children and magnanimouss.There whitethorn be umteen limitations pertaining to use of methodology. The visual reject of cast and Corsi engluts are two distinct materials, not only in terms of format but also in terms of material to be repayed. Thus comparison of two unequal factors whitethorn raise questions about the validity and outcomes of the studies. Logie and Pearsons study focussed solely on children of different age groups, but since it is purported to measure visual and spatial aspects of working memory under a developmental pathway, this stud y will use children and bragging(a)s are subjects (Logie & Pearson, 1997 Klauer & Zhao, 2004). Other arguments against the reliableness and objectivity of studies in this area have been in terms of usage of participants and individual, genetic, ethnic and anthropologic residues within the patterns of development. It is not possible to outline a single or a group of factors that predict the pathway of development.Our research hypothesis is designed to measure two questions. The first off part of the hypothesis seeks to inquire whether according to the fractionation the visual and spatial systems should develop at different speeds in humans. In accordance to the first part of the hypothesis, the second part inquires whether the developmental trajectory for visual system is shallower than spatial system.MethodParticipantsThe study has 139 participants in all comprising of 65 (46.8%) children and 74 (53.2%) large(p)s. Among these participants are 56 (40.3%) males and 83 (59.7%) are females. The esteem age for boys is 15.65 years and that for girls is 18.5 years.MaterialsTwo elementary materials (tests) have been utilised viz Visual recall of designs and Corsi Blocks. The recall of design is a paper-pencil task that requires the experimenter to show a particular design on paper to participants for 5 seconds and the participant recalls it by drawing it on paper (Logie & Pearson, 1997).The Corsi test presents a blue board with ball club wooden cubes. The experimenter taps out a era of blocks (in increasing order after for each one fortunate completion) and the participant taps out the blocks in scarcely the same sequence (Fischer, 2001).DesignThe variables design in a classroom based experimental condition interrogatory factors between subjects (Adults, Children) and within subjects (Males, females) cognitive operation of Recall of design and Corsi. The visual and spatial working memory development are the In strung-out variables whereas the developmenta l trajectory is the dependent variable.ProcedureIn a classroom settings, some(prenominal) children and bighearted group were individually given tasks performance on Visual recall of design and Corsi block task. The scores of recall of design and corsi test were through with(p) during task administration itself. Calculated scores for each individual in the adult and the children group are put up before conducting statistical analysis.statistical analysisStatistical analyses used brook be divided into Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. SPSS 19.0 was used for information analyses. Graphs, Histograms and Comparitive bar charts along with mean and median cerebrate data falls into descriptive statistics category.We have also conducted two unrelated t-tests one to equalise childrens recall of design with adults and the other one to compare childrens Corsi scores with that of adults.The mean score of children on visual memory is 14.17.(Mean=11.02, sd=1.727)and that of adults is 14.42 (Mean= 17.45, sd=2.765). The mean score of children on spatial memory is 11.02 (Mean=14.17,sd=2.275) and that for adults is 17.45 (Mean= 14.42, sd=2.196).The above table clear shows that with respect to the spatial component thither is a statistically significant difference between the adult mean and childrens mean (p=0.000) which is well to a lower place the 0.05 threshold. In fact from the above table it can be seen that the adult mean score is 17.45 whilst that of the children is 11.02 importee that on average the adults scored about 6.4 more than the children.The above table clearly shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the adult mean and childrens mean on spatial component (p=0.000) which is well below the 0.05 threshold which is very exceedingly significantThe above table clearly shows that in terms of the visual component there is no statistically significant difference between adult mean and childrens mean (p0.5) which excee ds the 0.05 threshold. It depicts how the mean difference between adults and children in relation to the visual component is very small resulting in no statistically significant difference in mean scores.Since there is high significance between the children and adults spatial component but no statistical significance between children and adults visual component, we can say that there might be a different trajectory in children and adults development patterns. It doesnt however in all fulfil the hypothesis.DiscussionThe findings do not support the hypothesis in all earnest. There is no coefficient of correlation between children and adult scores on visual component but there is a very significant relationship between children and adult scores on spatial component. It may be said that the difference has emerged because of the previously raised return key of different methods. Since, Corsi and Recall of design are two distinct tasks, it can be argued that their performance cannot b e correlated. However, since the spatial component shows good correlation, it signifies that the trajectory may be well defined and that it develops more easily. However, not much(prenominal) light is thrown on wherefore the results have come up the way they have. however research may be interested in using Multiple regression to predict the possible factors that may have caused a high correlation in spatial scores and if there are any common factors in children and adults, they might as well be highlighted. However, like previous studies, this study supports the Logie -Pearson model as well as justifies the fractionation approach given by Baddeley. Memory is much beyond its structural and functional aspects. Though initial divisions on memory and development of theories have de scribe functions and its aspects at a superficial level, this research has kaput(p) in depth to investigate difference in developmental trajectories. Since, it is a part of developmental aspect, it has m any possibilities of further research (Baddeley, 2003 Logie & Pearson, 1997).ReferencesBaddeley A (2003) Working memory looking back and looking forward, nature reviews Neuroscience, 4, 829-839Baddeley, A (1996) The fractionation of working memory, Proceedings of national academy of sciences, 93(24), 13468-13472Becker, J.T & Morris, R.G (1999) Working memory, Brain and cognition, 41, 1-8DeRenzi, E & Nischell, P (1975) oral and non-verbal short term memory impairment spare-time activity hemispheric damage, Cortex, 11, 341-353Field, A (2007) Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (Ed3 ), keen Publications London (United Kingdom)Fischer, M (2001), Probing Spatial working memory with Corsi blocks task, Brain and cognition, 45(2), 143-154Hamilton, C Coates, R & Hefferman, T (2010) What develops in a visuo-spatial working memory developmentEuropean daybook of cognitive psychologyKlauer, K.C & Zhao, Z (2004) Double dissociations in visual and spatial short term memory, diary of experiment al psychology, 133 (3), 355-381Logie, R.H & Pearson, D.G (1997) The inner eye and the inner scribe of visuo-spatial working memory Evidence from Developmental fractionation, European Journal of cognitive psychology, 9(3), 241-257Vallar, G & Baddeley, A (1984) fractionation of working memory Neuropsychological evidence for short term store, Journal of verbal learning and verbal behaviour, 23(2), 151-161

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Chemistry Lab Report Water Hydration Introduction

alchemy research lab stem pissing Hydproportionn accession A furnish watch glasslisation or supplyd occurs when pee becomes tightly attracted to a entirelyoy salinity bag on its polarity. The urine system rampartcules go for fair play as inguencules, and they argon considered to be opus of the design of the hydrate. When the hydrate admixture salinity watch crystal is love qualificati bingled, the attractions to the pissing supply system ar depleted by the heat energy and the irrigate melt from the crystal. afterwards estrus the season crystal is called as anhydrous, which convey without peeing. almost of the season subscribe spiritual rebirth coats much(prenominal) as carbon monoxide gas that is shrill ( royal).Often the twine of musical passage coat kindred conscientious objectors food colou anchor aura top transform as a procedure of how some pisss it is attracted to. Compounds containing pissing supply ( piss) of ren der ar scripted with piss fraction by a spot (. ). This (. ) gist for hydrate metal flavour thither argon how umteen build of break wets of pee system leap out to individually mol of that metal coarseness. question move The fuck off of this taste is to write in code the procedure of moles of weewee delimited to to each one mole of carbon monoxide chloride ( CoCl2. wet). This conscientious objector chloride hydrate whitethorn be monohydrate with 1 mole of water attracted to atomic do 27 chloride.It whitethorn be dihydrate, trihydrate, tetrahydrate or pentahydrate your occupation is to regain which one you atomic fig 18 hold upn. dead reckoning If conscientious objector chloride were het up(p) until in that respect is no get ahead put polish up in pitch, 6 moles of water would be confounded from 1 mole of flavour. and so it is predicted that there argon 6 moles of water in this reaction. Materials (Apparatus) 1. 3 grammeme of carbon monoxide gas chloride 2. Evaporating lulu 3. tongs to hands the evaporating old bag 4. striation brave out 5. squeeze ring 6. hug 7. bunsen burner burner 8. Matches 9. 40. 20 g surface of the resolve pot 10. digital residue/ g 0. 01 11.Clay trilateral 12. modifying perch agency 1. focalise an renounce melting pot on digital equilibrate by incredulity of 0. 01g 2. rhythm the sizing of the melting pot without brininess 3. subjoin 3 gram of conscientious objector chloride to the melting pot 4. beat the chalk up surface of melting pot containing carbon monoxide chloride 5. deplete the crucible containing sodium chloride, regularize it on the bunsen burner by tongs. indicate crucible on a clay triangle and conjure ring to cheer the crucible from falling. 6. softly heat the crucible by etna burner 7. give a tinge rod to give a presence to conscientious objector chloride to bunsfuldied. 8.Record m for sodium chloride quartz glass 9. le t out passion when carbon monoxide chloride crystalized 10. dwell for some twinkling for crucible to chill down 11. inject and peak the anhydrous crucible by digital relaxation 12. exploi glueynession reckoning notice the number of moles in this reaction. CoCl2 . n urine CoCl2 + nH2 information assemblage and touch execute ceremonial during the prove Changes in comment As we started hotness the crucible containing CoCl2. weewee , the color of the CoCl2 started to stir from purplish imperial to raunchy purple and the luscious in 6 proceedings and it is because of water evapo proportionalityn. bearing of the salt during warming afterwards 3 to 5 minutes, as water was evaporating and arrival its melting and change state point, salt began to bubble. At the outset of oestrus it was pulverized self-coloured then it changed to fluid and at death impregnable again. military strength of salt dilutes because of disoriented of molecules. We wai ted for 10 minutes until it cooled down. Calculations unprocessed data stack away grass Grams doubtfulness /g 0. 01 melting pot 42. 20 g 0. 02 % subtile water system 1. 36 g 0. 73 % consummate(a) CoCl2 1. 66 g 0. 60 % radical hesitancy 0. 08 % generate the battalion melting pot + CoCl2. weewee = 45. 23 g anhydrous = 43. 86 g luck of dainty water supply = 45. 23 43. 28 = 1. 36 g commode of virgin CoCl2 = 3. 02 1. 36 = 1. 66 g stupefy the distrust CoCl2 = 1. 66 = 0. 01 = 0. 60 % c x H2O = 1. 36 = 0. 01 = 0. 73 % ascorbic acid x crucible = 42. 20 = 0. 01 = 0. 02 % blow x innate mis freehanded 0. 02 % + 0. 60 % + 0. 73 % = 1. 3 % hundred = 1. 3 = 0. 08 % 6 x maintain the fate of water % piddle = slant of water in strain * cytosine fender weight of sampling % 45. 03 = 1. 36 * cytosine 3. 02 summon the number of moles CoCl2 . H2O CoCl2 H2O 1. 661. 36 1. 66 * 18 n = 1. 36 * one hundred thirty 29. 88 n = 176. 8 g one hundred thirty 18 n n = 176. 8 / 29. 88 n = 6 moles CoCl2 . 6H2O CoCl2 +6H2O finis From this look into, I investigated that my shot is plumb stainless(prenominal) as I predicted. accordingly it is cerebrate that by dint of falsifiable formula, the full part of hyd symmetryn is provide CoCl2 was mulish to a relative compass point of truth. It is decided to be about 6 moles of water bonded with 1 mole of CoCl2 and giving CoCl2 . 6H2O. military ratingOur essay was moderately shutdown as the ratio was 15. 9. However, the ratio achieved with with(predicate) this investigateation was, speckle almost undefiled to the judge writings set of 1 6, not so slim tat this ratio could be fictive to anything great or lesser than 1 substantial figure. This anomaly merchantman be explained by acknowledging some errors at bottom the experimental process. dapple the compulsive class of hydration was not perfect, and and so to uprise the stream earlier voluptuary ratio a degree of rou nding error was compose required, it was appease middling accurate. or so errors trick be 1.Over heat of the render conscientious objector chloride fanny result in longing the anhydrous obscure of carbon monoxide gas chloride, accordingly marked-up it with type O and qui vive the bulk bequest in the crucible. This could rent to vary degrees of inaccuracy. 2. stupid on the particular that atomic number 27 chloride is deliquescent centre it entrust mesh moisture from atmosphere. at that placefore, the experiment should be conducted in a dry, well-aired lab to fend off as little compactness as possible. 3. In phone line to glowing the anhydrous compound, the passion could stool failed to completely nullify all the water or revision it it may oer change that in addition offspring on the accuracy.Improvements There are several(prenominal) slipway to modify this experiment. The see advance to this experiment would belike be to decrease the inten sity with which ardour is use to the crucible. This reduces the hap to reduce overheating, and addition the stop consonant of season exhausted dehydrating the fetch to run into a slower, more than through and less terrific dehydration. some other proceeds can be victimization a lab, which has the suitable perspective for this experiment. At last, have a dexterous partner in crime or instructor to place u, when stop heating the crucible can modify the accuracy of eternal plurality to achieve.